Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Latest

I am back! I have finally caught up after being sick and am so glad that is over! Thanks for the well wishes. You bloggers are great.
I have a new fasination called freeform knitting. I have seen it but wasn't sure how to do it but I ran across a book in a craft store called "Freeformations" by Jenny Dowde and now am hooked. I haven't had much time with it, but I will share what I have done so far.


  1. I was starting to get worried that there was something worse than a kidney infection going on!! So glad you're back up and going (and creating!!)

  2. So glad your better Ann. I've seen this free form knitting and its facinating . Too bad we have to sleep then we'd have time for more creatin'.I'm setting up an Etsy shop and will fill you in on an e mail soon.
