Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Challenging Myself

Ok, my family and several of my friends think I am kinda crazy because of some of my material choices for my jewelry. Well, I decided to challenge myself and have people give me suggestions of ordinary, commonplace items that I would manipulate into jewelry. I am going to give myself a maximum of one week to complete the piece. My own Project Accessory so to speak. I am going to have my first challenge starting this Friday, March 2nd. I put up a post on Facebbok and so far my friends have made several suggestions. This is the list so far:
Toilet paper
Beer bottle caps
Tops from toothpaste tubes
Old jewelry
Tee shirts
Empty spool of thread
Tic tac box
Golf tee
Baby's shoe
Broken CD
Circuit board
Old radio parts

Please feel free to add more. I am open to suggestions!

Week one will be Toilet Paper from my friend Lisa. I already have an idea for this so check back Friday and I will start the process. I will add pictures along the way!

See you soon!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Modern Industrial

I have been playing again!  So many ideas and so little time! 

Modern Industrial Ring from Maudies Handcrafted Jewelry

Side View of Maudies Industrial Ring

Maudies Modern Industrial Pendant
Maudies Modern Industrial Pendant Sideview